Preppers Supply List: A Guide to Basic Supplies for Survival


Preppers Supply List

Prepping has become a popular way for people to ensure that they are prepared for any emergency or disaster situation. By having the right supplies, you can increase your chances of survival and stay self-sufficient until help arrives.

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to basic prepper supplies, including food and water, first aid kits, shelter, and clothing, as well as a prepper supplies checklist, prepper stores, and what preppers often forget.

Also see, What Should I Put in a Survival Box?

Basic Prepper Supplies

Preppers Supply List

Food and Water

In any emergency or disaster situation, food and water are the most important supplies to have. You should have a supply of non-perishable food that can last you for at least three days. Some good options include canned food, dried fruit, protein bars, and peanut butter.

It’s also important to have a supply of clean drinking water, as well as a water filtration system or water purification tablets. You should aim for one gallon of water per person per day.

First Aid Kit

In any emergency or disaster situation, injuries can happen, and medical help may not be readily available. A well-stocked first aid kit can help you treat minor injuries and prevent them from becoming more serious. A basic first aid kit should include items such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and tweezers.

Shelter and Clothing

Having a safe and secure shelter is essential for survival in any emergency situation. You should have a reliable and sturdy tent or a tarp and paracord to create a makeshift shelter. It’s also important to have warm clothing, blankets, and a sleeping bag to protect against the elements.

Prepper Supplies Checklist

Preppers Supply List

What is a Prepper Supplies Checklist?

A prepper supplies checklist is a comprehensive list of all the essential supplies that a prepper should have in case of an emergency or disaster situation. It ensures that you have all the necessary items and that you’re prepared for any situation.

Why is a Prepper Supplies Checklist Important?

A prepper supplies checklist is important because it helps you to stay organized and prepared. By having a checklist, you can ensure that you don’t forget any essential supplies, and you can rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for any emergency or disaster situation.

Sample Prepper Supplies Checklist

Here’s a sample prepper supplies checklist that you can use to ensure that you have all the essential supplies:

  • Food and water
  • First aid kit
  • Shelter and clothing
  • Fire starter kit
  • Tools (multi-tool, axe, shovel, etc.)
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, soap, toilet paper, etc.)
  • Communication devices (radio, cell phone, etc.)
  • Important documents (ID, passport, etc.)
  • Cash and credit cards

Prepper Stores and Wholesale Supplies

Preppers Supply List

What are Prepper Stores?

Prepper stores are retailers that specialize in selling prepper supplies. They offer a wide range of supplies, including food, water, shelter, and clothing, as well as other prepper-specific items such as self-defense tools and survival gear.

Why Buy from Prepper Stores?

Prepper stores are great places to buy prepper supplies because they offer a wide range of products that are specifically designed for emergency or disaster situations. They also offer expert advice on the best supplies for your needs and can help you create a comprehensive prepper supply list.

Check out, 72-Hour Survival Kit: What to Pack When Disaster Strikes

Online Prepper Stores

If you’re not able to find a local prepper store near you, there are many online stores that offer prepper supplies. Some of the most popular online prepper stores include:

Wholesale Prepper Supplies

If you’re looking to purchase prepper supplies in bulk, there are several wholesale options available. These suppliers offer discounts for buying in bulk, which can help you save money. Some of the most popular wholesale prepper supply companies include:

  • Augason Farms
  • Mountain House
  • Wise Company
  • Legacy Food Storage

We recommend My Patriot Supply for all your emergency preparedness needs.

Survival Supplies & Emergency Preparedness Gear

Preppers Supply List

My Patriot Supply is a website that specializes in providing survival supplies and emergency preparedness gear. The website,, offers a wide range of products that are designed to help people prepare for emergencies, disasters, and other situations where access to basic resources may be limited.

The website is well-organized, making it easy to navigate and find the products you need. The main categories on the site include:

  • Emergency Food: This category includes a wide range of food options, from long-term food storage to emergency food bars and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.
  • Water Filtration: This category includes water filtration systems and accessories, such as water bottles, straws, and filters. These products are designed to help you obtain safe drinking water in an emergency situation.
  • Survival Gear: This category includes a variety of survival gear, such as first aid kits, flashlights, radios, and other tools that can be useful in a wide range of emergency situations.
  • Homestead: This category includes products that are useful for those who are looking to live off the grid, such as heirloom seeds, gardening tools, and composting supplies.
  • Books: This category includes books and guides that can help you learn important survival skills, such as how to start a fire or build a shelter.

My Patriot Supply offers a wide range of products from many different brands. The website also features its own branded products, such as their popular 4-Week Emergency Food Supply, which contains a variety of freeze-dried meals and is designed to last for up to 25 years.

In addition to the products themselves, also offers a variety of helpful resources, including a blog and a library of free downloadable guides. The blog covers a wide range of topics related to emergency preparedness and survival, such as how to store emergency food and how to purify water.

One of the benefits of shopping at My Patriot Supply is that they offer a “Patriot Pantry” subscription service. This service allows you to receive a regular supply of emergency food on a monthly basis, so you can ensure that you always have a stockpile of food on hand. The subscription service is flexible, allowing you to adjust the frequency and quantity of your deliveries as needed.

Overall, My Patriot Supply is a well-established and reputable website that offers a wide range of high-quality products for emergency preparedness and survival. Whether you’re looking to stock up on emergency food, purchase water filtration systems, or find the right survival gear, is a great resource for all of your emergency preparedness needs.

What Do Preppers Often Forget?

Preppers Supply List

Even the most experienced preppers can sometimes forget to pack certain items in their emergency supply kit. Here are a few things that preppers often forget to include:

  • Entertainment: Having books, games, or other forms of entertainment can help keep you and your family occupied during a stressful situation.
  • Prescription Medications: If you or someone in your family has prescription medications, be sure to include a supply in your emergency kit.
  • Sanitation Supplies: In an emergency situation, sanitation can quickly become a major issue. Be sure to include items like hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and wet wipes.
  • Cash: In an emergency situation, you may not be able to access your bank account or use credit cards. It’s important to have cash on hand in case you need to purchase supplies.

Download the pdf+ list, The Ultimate Prepper Supplies List (100% Super PDF+Checklist)


By having the right supplies, you can increase your chances of survival in any emergency or disaster situation. A basic prepper supply list should include food and water, a first aid kit, shelter and clothing, and tools.

A prepper supplies checklist is a great way to ensure that you have all the necessary items. Prepper stores and wholesale prepper supply companies offer a wide range of supplies and expert advice. By being aware of what preppers often forget, you can ensure that you’re fully prepared for any emergency or disaster situation.

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